Empowerment for lecturers from practice for the Carus Academy

Equipped with a high level of expertise and practical knowledge in your specialist field, would you like to get involved in teaching medicine and nursing and pass on your knowledge to participants in our further education and training courses? Then we look forward to your participation.

On the basis of evidence-based knowledge, we attach great importance to a high level of practical relevance and connectivity in practice. And, of course, that both participants and lecturers have a positive learning and teaching experience.

We do not leave you alone with this. Regardless of whether you can already draw on your own teaching experience or are taking your first steps, we will accompany and support you with, among other things


  • Coordination of objectives, teaching content and methods
  • Basic information on the target group
  • Professional organisation and administration
  • Support during the teaching process (if required)
  • personal feedback
  • and ‘tools of the trade’

The ‘tools of the trade’ consist of an online training programme for lecturers. Seven learning modules guide you through basic teaching topics for an initial, low-threshold introduction as a lecturer or for a comparison with your previous teaching experience. The programme is aimed at all those interested in teaching in the individual medical professions and is free of charge.

You will learn

  • what is important when preparing for lessons and teaching,
  • how to increase your personal presence,
  • what makes a successful presentation,
  • Basics on the subject of eLearning,
  • ideas for dealing confidently with disruptions,
  • how communication and feedback work in the learning process and
  • what a didactic method kit contains.


Have we aroused your interest?

Then please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

The professional development team at the Carus Academy


Carola Leibbrand, M.A.
Mail: carola.leibbrand@ukdd.de
Tel:0351 458- 3316