UKD collective agreements

Fair working conditions, transparency and security: The advantages of a collective agreement

The UKD's collective agreements apply to all employees who have an employment relationship with the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital Dresden. Depending on the basis of the contract, the company collective agreements apply to non-medical and medical staff, trainees and interns. The various salary tables regulate how much salary is paid. The classification into the pay group is based on activity, the level assignment is based on relevant professional experience.

What do the company collective agreements regulate, among other things?

  • Remuneration – defined classifications for various activities
  • Working hours and breaks – information on weekly working hours, overtime and rest periods
  • Vacation and special payments – number of vacation days, information about special payments
  • Working conditions and notice periods – for more structure and planning security

The UKD’s collective agreements

Employees at the Medical Faculty of the TU Dresden are covered by the collective agreements of the states (TV-L). Further information can be found here.